Contact Information

Ruth S. Slack, PhD
Full Professor
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Vice-Dean (Interim), Research

Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Road,
Room 3510B (Lab: 3522)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1H 8M5


Khacho, M., and Slack, R.S. (2018). Mitochondrial dynamics in the regulation of neurogenesis: From development to the adult brain. Developmental Dynamics : an Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists 247, 47–53.

Khacho, M., and Slack, R.S. (2017). Mitochondrial activity in the regulation of stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 49, 1–8.

Khacho, M., Clark, A., Svoboda, D.S., MacLaurin, J.G., Lagace, D.C., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2017). Mitochondrial dysfunction underlies cognitive defects as a result of neural stem cell depletion and impaired neurogenesis. Human Molecular Genetics 26, 3327–3341.

Khacho, M., and Slack, R.S. (2017). Mitochondrial and Reactive Oxygen Species Signaling Coordinate Stem Cell Fate Decisions and Life Long Maintenance. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 28, 1090–1101.

Fong, B.C., and Slack, R.S. (2017). RB: An essential player in adult neurogenesis. Neurogenesis 4, e1270382.

Vandenbosch, R., Clark, A., Fong, B.C., Omais, S., Jaafar, C., Dugal-Tessier, D., Dhaliwal, J., Lagace, D.C., Park, D.S., Ghanem, N., et al. (2016). RB regulates the production and the survival of newborn neurons in the embryonic and adult dentate gyrus. Hippocampus 26, 1379–1392.

Khacho, M., Clark, A., Svoboda, D.S., Azzi, J., MacLaurin, J.G., Meghaizel, C., Sesaki, H., Lagace, D.C., Germain, M., Harper, M.-E., Park, D.S., Slack, R.S., 2016. Mitochondrial Dynamics Impacts Stem Cell Identity and Fate Decisions by Regulating a Nuclear Transcriptional Program. Cell stem cell 19, 232–247.

Svoboda, D.S., Clark, A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2015). Induction of Protein Deletion Through In Utero Electroporation to Define Deficits in Neuronal Migration in Transgenic Models. J. Vis. Exp. (95), e51983.

Patten, D.A., Wong, J., Khacho, M., Soubannier, V., Mailloux, R.J., Pilon-Larose, K., MacLaurin, J.G., Park, D.S., McBride, H.M., Trinkle-Mulcahy, L., and Slack, R.S. (2014). OPA1-dependent cristae modulation is essential for cellular adaptation to metabolic demand. Embo J. 33, 2676–2691.

Khacho, M., Tarabay, M., Patten, D., Khacho, P., MacLaurin, J.G., Guadagno, J., Bergeron, R., Cregan, S.P., Harper, M.-E., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2014). Acidosis overrides oxygen deprivation to maintain mitochondrial function and cell survival. Nature communications 5.

Germain, M., Nguyen, A.P., Khacho, M., Patten, D.A., Screaton, R.A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2013). LKB1-regulated adaptive mechanisms are essential for neuronal survival following mitochondrial dysfunction. Hum. Mol. Genet. 22, 952–962.

Svoboda, D.S., Paquin, A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2013). Pocket proteins pRb and p107 are required for cortical lamination independent of apoptosis. Developmental biology 384, 101-113.

Julian, L.M., Vandenbosch, R., Pakenham, C.A., Andrusiak, M.G., Nguyen, A.P., McClellan, K.A., Svoboda, D.S., Lagace, D.C., Park, D.S., Leone, G., Blais, A., and Slack, R.S. (2013). Opposing regulation of Sox2 by cell-cycle effectors E2f3a and E2f3b in neural stem cells. Cell stem cell 12, 440-452.

Germain, M., Nguyen, A.P., Khacho, M., Patten, D.A., Screaton, R.A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2013). LKB1-regulated adaptive mechanisms are essential for neuronal survival following mitochondrial dysfunction. Human molecular genetics 22, 952-962.

Andrusiak, M.G., Vandenbosch, R., Dick, F.A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2013). LXCXE-independent chromatin remodeling by Rb/E2f mediates neuronal quiescence. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex) 12, 1416-1423.

Ghanem, N., Andrusiak, M.G., Svoboda, D., Al Lafi, S.M., Julian, L.M., McClellan, K.A., De Repentigny, Y., Kothary, R., Ekker, M., Blais, A., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2012). The Rb/E2F pathway modulates neurogenesis through direct regulation of the Dlx1/Dlx2 bigene cluster. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32, 8219-8230.

Andrusiak, M.G., Vandenbosch, R., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2012). The retinoblastoma protein is essential for survival of postmitotic neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32, 14809-14814.

Jahani-Asl, A., Pilon-Larose, K., Xu, W., MacLaurin, J.G., Park, D.S., McBride, H.M., and Slack, R.S. (2011). The mitochondrial inner membrane GTPase, optic atrophy 1 (Opa1), restores mitochondrial morphology and promotes neuronal survival following excitotoxicity. The Journal of biological chemistry 286, 4772-4782.

Germain, M., and Slack, R.S. (2011). MCL-1 regulates the balance between autophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy 7, 549-551.

Germain, M., Nguyen, A.P., Le Grand, J.N., Arbour, N., Vanderluit, J.L., Park, D.S., Opferman, J.T., and Slack, R.S. (2011). MCL-1 is a stress sensor that regulates autophagy in a developmentally regulated manner. The EMBO journal 30, 395-407.

Andrusiak, M.G., McClellan, K.A., Dugal-Tessier, D., Julian, L.M., Rodrigues, S.P., Park, D.S., Kennedy, T.E., and Slack, R.S. (2011). Rb/E2F regulates expression of neogenin during neuronal migration. Molecular and cellular biology 31, 238-247.

Patten, D.A., Germain, M., Kelly, M.A., and Slack, R.S. (2010). Reactive oxygen species: stuck in the middle of neurodegeneration. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 20 Suppl 2, S357-367.

Jahani-Asl, A., Germain, M., and Slack, R.S. (2010). Mitochondria: joining forces to thwart cell death. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1802, 162-166.

Germain, M., and Slack, R.S. (2010). Dining in with BCL-2: new guests at the autophagy table. Clinical science (London, England : 1979) 118, 173-181.

Ruzhynsky, V.A., Furimsky, M., Park, D.S., Wallace, V.A., and Slack, R.S. (2009). E2F4 is required for early eye patterning. Developmental neuroscience 31, 238-246.

McClellan, K.A., Vanderluit, J.L., Julian, L.M., Andrusiak, M.G., Dugal-Tessier, D., Park, D.S., and Slack, R.S. (2009). The p107/E2F pathway regulates fibroblast growth factor 2 responsiveness in neural precursor cells. Molecular and cellular biology 29, 4701-4713.


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Last updated: 2013.09.15